
Western Welcome Newcomers (WWN) is organized and run by its members. Each and every member has the opportunity to volunteer in some large or small manner. Volunteering can provide you with a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction. Your offering of your experience, your skills, and your ideas to the organization also boosts the enjoyment of the entire membership. Multiply your contributions by the number of the other participants and the overall results quickly multiply the enjoyment by all.

WWN is organized in a manner that makes it easy to facilitate your contribution. Volunteer to be truly be part of WWN.

The list of defined volunteer positions and the responsibilities are noted below. But this is only the beginning of what you can do to become an active participant. As an example, if wanted to head up an individual activity, like the picinic, we can help you get started, or you could be an assistent to the event organizer, or handle one of the many individual tasks that are enevitably required. Get started at any responsibility level.

  • President
    • Chair monthly Board and Member meetings
    • Generate an agenda for board meetings
    • Recruit members for open positions
    • Appoint a budget committee
    • Work with Activities Chairperson to make plans for new fiscal Year’s Activities
    • Write President articles for newsletter
    • Ensure existing and new officers are published in the newsletter for the new fiscal year
  • Vice President
    • Provide speakers for the general meetings
    • Assist the President when requested
    • Conduct board and general meetings in the absence of the President
  • Secretary
    • Maintain minutes for all meetings of the club
    • Email a copy of minutes for review and approval to the President for review
    • After President approval, email to the minutes to the board
    • Conduct all correspondence for the club as directed by the president
  • Treasurer
    • Perform all duties pertaining to the collection and disbursement of funds
    • File the State annual Non Profit Registry renewal
    • Pick up correspondence at the post office box
    • Notify the Membership chairperson and Database of checks received
    • Review and sign Income reports received from Event Chairperson
    • Reconcile monthly bank statement and Treasure's reports
  • Auditor
    • Examine the records of Treasure and certify their correctness
    • Conduct quarterly audits
    • Give a report to the General Membership at the end of each fiscal year
    • Verify that all tax forms have been filed
  • Parliamentarian
    • Ensure board meetings are conducted in a fair and orderly fashion
    • Be the Chairperson of the nominating committee
    • Plan the In & Out dinner and invite the past Presidents
  • Activities
    • Recruit members to plan or organize activities of interest for the members
    • Assist recruits with sign up sheets and information for the newsletter
    • Help volunteers with income & Expense report
    • Assist with subsidized events for the members
  • Book Club
    • Organize Book Club activities
    • Prepare sign-up sheet for members
    • Contact venue with date, time and head count
    • Send email reminder before schedule meeting
  • Bowling
    • Organize Bowling activities
    • Prepare sign-up sheet for members
    • Contact venue with date, time and head count
    • Send email reminder before Bowling event
  • Calendar
    • Track schedule event to avoid conflicts
    • Provide information for the newsletter received from Chairperson of all activities
    • Email 2-month calendar to Board
    • Email newsletter & calendar to Newsletter Distribution Chairperson
  • Crafts
    • Plan and organizes a monthly craft activity
    • Provide craft information to Newsletter
    • Determine craft and Locations for each month
    • Bring samples to display at activities table
    • Prepare sign-up sheet for members
    • Send email reminder before craft event
    • Report on your craft events at monthly board meeting
  • Database
    • Maintain Access membership database
    • Print membership directory and addendums
    • Send monthly birthday list to Newsletter Editor
  • Greeters/Hosts
    • Greet guests and speakers
    • Check in members and collect general meeting fee
    • Submit an attendee fee report to Treasurer along with meeting funds
    • Submit a Petty cash income report to Treasurer
  • Historian/Photographer
    • Provide a pictorial history of club events
    • Take pictures at special meetings, st special programs, and of new members
  • Let’s Eat Out
    • Plan & organize a monthly outing, except for December
    • Prepare sign-up sheet for members
    • Provide information to Club Newsletter
  • Lunch Bunch
    • Plan & organize a monthly outing, except for December
    • Prepare sign-up sheet for members
    • Provide information to Club Newsletter
  • Membership
    • Attend General meeting to answer questions regarding membership, dues, keeping track of who’s paid
    • Submit monies collected to Treasurer
    • Provide badges for new members
  • Newsletter Editor
    • Compile & publish a monthly newsletter of activities, announcements and activities
  • Newsletter Distribution
    • Mail and /or email monthly newsletter & calenda
    • Have copies of the newsletter & calendar available at the General meeting
  • Policy & Procedures
    • Maintain all sections of P&P manual
    • Make sure all board members have a copy of P&P manual
  • Publicity
    • Promote club activities to newspapers & other media outlets
  • Sunshine
    • Send cards to members for illness and condolences
  • Ways & Mean
    • Raise funds by raffles & auctions
    • Conduct 50/50 raffle and supply Treasurer with report and funds